Community Surgical Service


The Stamford Surgery has a dedicated Minor Surgical Suite offering community based surgical procedures through the Lincolnshire Community Surgical Scheme.

Service Aims

The objective of the Community Surgical Service is to provide appropriate and accessible care within a relaxing and familiar environment. The key benefits of the service are:

  • Local and convenient service
  • Short waiting times
  • Friendly and professional staff
  • Free car parking

Surgical Procedures

The service covers a wide-range of surgical procedures as follows:


  • Removal of cysts, lesions and lipomas
  • Removal of low risk Basal Cell Carcinomas


  • Carpal Tunnel Release
  • De-Quervain's release of tendonitis
  • Moderate Dupuytren's Contracture
  • Ganglion Excision (Wrist and non-volar)
  • Trigger Finger / Thumb Release
  • Ulna Nerve Release


  • Vasectomy


All procedures are performed by suitably qualified GPs or hospital consultants and appointments are bookable through the NHS e-Referral Service.

What happens when you are referred by your GP to see a specialist?
The General Practice Forward View made a commitment to improving the current interface between hospitals and general practice to provide more seamless care for patients and to reduce the number of occasions where patients are sent back to their GP unnecessarily following a hospital appointment.

The aim is to improve patients’ experience of care, whilst also freeing up GP time.

In order to achieve this, new measures have been introduced into the NHS Standard Contract and a system-wide national working group has been established to drive action for improvement.

Your Surgical Procedure

Once you have agreed with your GP that you wish to have treatment, your referral will be sent through to our service.  You will then be contacted by a member of our friendly Administration Team, who will agree with you a convenient date and time, and also ask you about any medication you may be on, as well as discuss any questions you may have about your procedure.

On the day of your treatment, you will be welcomed by our Reception Team who will show you to a comfortable and dedicated waiting area.

Our clinical team will then confirm that you have consented to the treatment, and address any queries or concerns you may have and discuss your after-care needs.

Please note that you may be in the practice for a few hours to allow sufficient time for the treatment and post-treatment advice.

More About Our Services